Activity ring – Falconers

The history of Nitra is connected with the history of the ancient Slavs. Just a few people know that the combined villages located on the territory of today’s Nitra represented a larger geographical unit than the current city in the eighth century. At that time, Nitra was among one of the most important cities in Europe.

Life from the period of the reign of Prince Pribina will be presented closer to us on Saturday, 17.2. from 14:00-17:30 in the Activity Ring and at the Slavic evening, by the Falconers of King Svätopluk. Although not in the full line-up and understandably with a reduced program, we believe they will catch your interest. If you ever plan a trip to the beautiful Orava Castle, you will visit the Archeo open-air museum directly below it and watch the performance with the prey birds. You can watch a very interesting documentary right now at