Judges for Junior handling

Dear Junior handlers, we have not yet officially published the names of the JUDGES for the Junior handling competitions during the Nitradog Pribina Cup, so we are fixing this today !

! We are very happy that all three accepted our invitation to the daily competition – Martina Ellerová from Slovakia, Ákos Ritó from Hungary & Václav Chovanec from the Czech republic and also our slovak judge Lucia Heldová as a member of the Comittee for Youth and Junior Handling ÚKK, who will choose the NITRADOG SUPREME JUNIOR HANDLER.

Don’t forget that you can register online until Monday 12/02/2024 via www.clubdogshow.sk and that the points count towards for the year-long competition for foreign junior handlers – TOP OUTLANDER JUNIOR HANDLER 2024.

And if you want to read more about our judges, don’t miss the judges section, where you can find their biographies.